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How to Stop Your Border Collie from Barking?

Natalie Kyra

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Your Border Collie, with those soulful eyes and boundless energy, has brought immeasurable joy and love. Yet, there may come moments when the symphony of barking fills the air a little too often. Excessive barking, though a natural form of communication for dogs. But what to do, if my Border Collie barks a lot ! How to stop your Border Collie from Barking?

Don’t worry.  There are a few steps to stop barking. You need to spend time with your dog, keep patience, socialize and much more. And today I’m here to help you understand why your Border Collie barks and how to stop your Border Collie from Barking. So let’s make your dog stop barking!

Why Do Border Collies Bark?

Why Do Border Collies Bark

Border Collies, like all dogs, bark as a form of communication. However, the reasons behind their barking can vary depending on the situation and their individual temperament.

Here are some common reasons why Border Collies bark:


Dogs use barking to communicate with their owners and other animals. Your Border Collie may bark to get your attention, signal excitement, or express their needs, such as hunger or the need to go outside.


Border Collies are known for their keen senses, and they may bark to alert you to something they perceive as unusual or a potential threat. This can include strangers approaching the house, other animals in the vicinity, or even unexpected sounds.

Herding Instinct

Border Collies have strong herding instincts, and they may bark while herding livestock or attempting to control the movement of people or other animals. This instinctual behavior can also manifest in play, where they might “herd” children or other pets by barking.

Boredom and Restlessness

Border Collies are highly intelligent and energetic dogs. When they don’t receive enough mental stimulation or physical exercise, they may bark out of boredom or frustration.

Separation Anxiety

Some Border Collies can develop separation anxiety, leading to excessive barking when left alone. This behavior is often accompanied by other signs of distress, such as destructive chewing or attempts to escape.

Fear and Anxiety

Border Collies, like other breeds, can experience fear or anxiety in certain situations. This might include loud noises (thunderstorms, fireworks), new environments, or encounters with unfamiliar people or animals. Barking can be a coping mechanism for them.

Territorial Behavior

Border Collies can be territorial and may bark to assert their presence and protect their home or family. This is a natural instinct but can be managed through training and socialization.

Health Issues

Sometimes, barking can be a sign of underlying health problems or discomfort. If your Border Collie suddenly starts barking excessively and you can’t identify a clear trigger, it’s a good idea to consult a veterinarian to rule out any medical issues.

How to stop your Border Collie from Barking?

Before making your Border Collie stop, you should know why your Collie barks. Their barks are like their language. They bark to express themselves, to communicate with you, and sometimes, to alert you to something they find interesting or unusual. So, first, let’s listen to what they’re saying with their barks.

Step 1: Tired Collies Are Quiet Collies

One of the secrets to a quieter Collie lies in keeping them physically and mentally active. You see, a tired Collie is a content Collie, and content Collies bark less. Spend quality time playing with your Collie.

Games like fetch, tug-of-war, or hide-and-seek can be loads of fun for both of you. Take your Collie for long walks. They love to explore, and these walks give them a chance to burn off excess energy. Invest in puzzle toys that challenge their sharp minds. These toys keep them engaged and mentally stimulated.

Step 2: Socialize, Socialize, Socialize

Imagine if you didn’t get to meet new people or see different places. You might get a bit anxious, right? Well, Collies are the same. They need to socialize to become well-adjusted, less anxious pups. Introduce your Collie to different people. Let them see that new faces are not something to be alarmed about.

Arrange playdates with other dogs. This helps them learn how to interact with their furry friends. Take your Collie to various places. Let them experience the world. It’ll make them more confident and less likely to bark out of fear.

Step 3: Speak the Language of ‘Quiet’

Now that we’ve laid the foundation, let’s talk about teaching your Collie to be quiet on command. Teaching some commands that can be super helpful. When your Collie starts barking excessively, calmly say ‘quiet.’ Use a soft but firm tone.

You can also use other words like ‘enough’ or ‘hush.’ Be consistent, so they understand what you mean. When they obey your command and hush up, praise them lavishly. Give them a treat, a belly rub, or whatever makes them happy. Positive reinforcement is the key!

Step 4: What’s Bugging Them?

Sometimes, your Collie barks because something is bothering them. It could be a squirrel outside the window or the mail carrier at the door.  Pay attention to what triggers their barking. Is it a specific noise, person, or object?

Once you know, you can work on it. Gradually introduce them to the trigger in a controlled way. For example, if they bark at strangers, invite friends over and reward them for calm behavior.

Step 5: Create a Haven of Peace

Imagine you have a cozy corner where you can relax when the world gets too noisy. Your Collie needs one too. Designate a spot in your home as their safe space.

It could be a comfy bed or a quiet room with their favorite toys. Soft music or white noise can help drown out external sounds that trigger barking. It’s like creating a peaceful bubble for them.

Step 6: Seek Help if Needed

If your Collie’s barking is becoming a persistent issue despite your efforts, it might be time to seek professional guidance.

A dog trainer or a behaviorist can provide personalized strategies to address the problem. Sometimes, a little expert advice can go a long way in creating harmony.

Step 7: Be Patient and Loving

Lastly, remember that your Collie is barking because they care about you and the world around them.

Be patient as they learn to express themselves in a quieter way. Shower them with love and affection, for every moment with your furry friend is a treasure.

Final Words

In the beautiful journey of sharing your life with a Border Collie, barking is just a small part of the adventure. By understanding why they bark and implementing these simple solutions, you can create a more peaceful melody in your lives together.

Learn about our easy steps to know how to stop your Border Collie from Barking. Your Border Collie barks are their way of expressing their love, excitement, and sometimes concern. So, as you work on reducing their barking, remember to cherish every moment with your furry friend, for their love is a song that plays in your heart forever.

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Natalie Kyra

Natalie is a Chief Editor and Lead Author with over 8 years of experience, She graduated from the Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. She has one Border Collie (Pez) puppy & one French Bulldog (Lerry) in her house. She spends most of her time with the Border Collie puppy. Also, she loves to write content about pets, especially border collie puppies. 🐶

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